In 1965 our father spent his holidays on Elba with a friend, who lived in Capoliveri, and swam in the clear water of Morcone beach. The idea was born, it became a dream and it grew up… the dream became true:
it will be called Villa Europa.
In the following rows you will find some photos of Villa Europa in years ’60 in front of the same view photographed now, 50 years later.
Some guests of us, painters and poets, remembered Villa Europa and the island of Elba in this way:
At last we publish a poetry of Antonio Cecu Ferrari, from the book "Polenta e luna" by Limina editore:
L’aria frésca
la me léca
la fascia südada
e la me ‘ndrissa
i péi di brassi.
La lüna
bèla tüta
la s-ciariss,
sensa ufénd,
el vèrd
de la muntagna
e lingèra cume
la palpa
el mar che’l dorm.
un fassulét
ricamad a man,
per Cècu un paradis.
L’aria fresca
mi accarezza
la faccia sudata
e mi drizza
i peli delle braccia.
La luna
bella tutta
senza offendere
il verde
della montagna,
e leggera come
il mare che dorme.
un fazzoletto
ricamato a mano,
per Cècu un paradiso.